How to assess Indonesia’s success in UNSC
Indonesia assumes a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council in 2019–2020.
There are bunch of issues that Indonesia can work on, to avoid its membership goes in vain. Among those issues are the South China Sea issue, the Rohingya issue, the two-state solution for Palestine issue, and a series of other issues. However, there are speed-bumps along the road that we will discuss further below, apparently.
Other than the issues, approach is also a very important part that is needed to be scrutinized. The real question that needs to be asked is: Is Indonesia able to deliver its role as a non-permanent, non-establishment member of the UNSC?
An successful member of UNSC should be able to deliver, not only speeches, but solutions that are poured into Draft Resolution. Does Indonesia have the capability to draft documents, gather support, and present it before the council? Or will Indonesia be happy with the current pace of its performance?
Another question to ask is: Does Indonesia have the (human) resources to deliver its role? Taking a look back to previous speeches in UNGA, a major improvement, especially in regards to Indonesia’s human resources in Indonesia’s Permanent Mission to the UN, sounds like a good idea.
Talking about the issues, it will be a major breakthrough if Indonesia manages to talk about the South China Sea issue in the UNSC, given the presence of China as a permanent member of the council.
About Rohingya issue, the stumbling block in this matter is, of course, ASEAN’s non-interference policy. Indonesia will try to avoid talking about ‘sensitive’ issues in UNSC in order to to offend its neighbor.
The two-state solution for Palestine is becoming less and less feasible, especially because countries that previously supported the idea with great deal of vigorousness, are now becoming more and more silent.
There are bunch of other issues. And while Indonesia’s success is yet to be seen, Indonesia should keep improving its foreign policy by refraining from taking wrong steps in its foreign policy.
Whether Indonesia is to keep its independent and active foreign policy, rational, data, and evident-based decision making process for Indonesia’s foreign policy for at least until the Foreign Minister is scheduled to be changed this October, should still be the priority of the country.